The clock an hour forward or backward, how do you deal with this
At the end of March the clock will go forward one hour. Many suffer when the clock one hour forward or backward goes. Adults but certainly also children. How can you prepare yourself and your children for this?? You read it here.
The clock one hour forward or backward
The clock an hour forward or backward, no matter how you move it, there are children and adults who are appalled by this. They can’t go back to sleep, can’t stay awake, wake up super early or just sleep restlessly. What can you do now to prepare yourself and kids for the changing of the clock?
In March, the clock goes forward one hour ( spring= ahead) this hour you sleep less can really feel like jet lag for people. And not everyone is affected, but for those who are, that hour difference can ruin a whole week.
Tips for you
What is important is that you immediately start living according to the new rhythm. I myself change ’the clocks already in the evening and so live the Sunday after the hour has gone forward immediately in the ‘new time’. I eat at normal times and go to bed at normal times.
Because you go to sleep an hour earlier, it is wise to take this into account this day. Make sure you are tired, exercise well during the day, go outside and do not drink ’s coffee or alcohol in the evening.
Tips for the kids
Keep the new summer time immediately. Get the clocks right and put your child to bed at the same time as usual, let it eat at the same time. The day will be weird for a while because your child will probably wake up later, but by starting right back into the rhythm, you’ll probably get through it without too many problems.
But you can also let the day before the clock goes forward already get used to a new rhythm, so make sure it’s in bed half an hour earlier, you can also do this with say 10 minutes a few days in advance, but then that makes it all very complicated. Make sure the room where your child sleeps is dark.
Winter time
In the fall, the clock goes back an hour ( fall= backwards).
Tips for you
It’s the same here, set the clock to the new time the night before and keep it on Sunday. This way you will quickly settle into the new rhythm.
Tips for the kids
You can also choose to shift your child’s bedtime at once. From the Sunday that the hour is changed, follow the new clock times. The advantage of this method is that you think less about it. You simply follow the clock.
For children, you can choose to put them to bed a little later each day. Put him or her to bed three days before the clock changes, on day two half an hour earlier than normal and on day one fifteen minutes earlier than normal. That way, on the day winter time starts, it will be in bed just in time.
From winter to summer time and back again
The downside is that some children have trouble with this sudden transition. Your child may need a few days to adjust to the new rhythm. If you set your mind to it and take it easy, the transition probably won’t be so bad.