A kiss is okay, but that stops too
It is almost 8:30 and I am walking the boys to school. The oldest says hello in the schoolyard and there can just barely be a kiss from. The youngest gathers with his class at the ping pong table.
From here they walk with the teacher to the outhouse. ‘You can go, mama,’ Sounds his soft voice.
A kiss is just in time
I walk home and think to myself that I don’t have to walk to school at all. This is just the beginning of the great letting go. We live near school and I always take a walk with them. ’mornings and after lunch I bring them over.
Also I’m waiting for them at the school gate at twelve and three o’clock. Of course, it’s getting easier and easier. The boys take their own bags and walk ahead of me to school.
A kiss will be given sooner and sooner. Far from the school gate. But still they’d like me to go along for a while!
The other day I had to leave early in the morning and asked if she wanted to walk to school by herself, but she wouldn’t. Dad or mom just has to come along for a while.
Enjoy it while it lasts
And I enjoy this. Enjoy, enjoy being with the boys. Enjoy reading twice a week with the boys and their classmates. Join outings and help out where you can. Why?
Just because I can. One day they’ll say: “Mommy, don’t kiss me anymore or don’t go on an outing. So as long as they still want this I’ll stay active!
A good example is athletics training
I can tell they’re growing up. It used to be me who told the teacher that they had to go to the doctor or dentist, but now they arrange it themselves. I also notice it with sports.
How they once shyly started practicing soccer, now with athletics I notice how big they already are. They just go their own way, walk to the trainers, arrange everything themselves.
So as long as the kiss is still given and they still want me to help, I do this. Before I know it they’ll go their own way. Let me mother them for a while longer.