Bullet Journal, May spread. With more color this time
May has been going on for a while, so it’s about time I show you my May Bullet Journal spread. This time a completely different month spread. Where the month of April in my Bullet Journal was still a lot of black and white, this time I chose more summery colors.
Take a look?
Bullet Journal
At the beginning of this year I decided to show my Bullet Jounal monthly. What do I make each time now, what repeats and are there things I have done but don’t do the month after? It’s already May and time for my May spread.
This will be the last month in this Bullet Journal because it is full. Next month you’ll see how I fill in my new journal next to the month of June.
Working with a theme
It was funny that in the comments under my April spread someone wrote ‘I choose more summer colors’. At that time I was just working on my May spread and here I had just grabbed these summer colors as well. I like to work with a theme and for the May month I thought of pink.
With my birthday I got new craft paper and I bought myself some nice stickers that have everything to do with Paris. Also pink was in here, so this came out nicely.
May spread
Also for my May spread I opted for a cover page first. I found this on Pinterest, I search on -Bullet Journal May spread- and come up with the nicest ideas. After my cover page, comes my monthly overview, where I can write down the first appointments.
This time for once I did not choose to write down all 31 days, because I noticed that I use them less and less. So I just made a page with a monthly overview, where I can write down very briefly what the appointments are. After the month come the weeks.
The month of May starts on Wednesday, that’s where I start my first week.
No further changes.
Every week I try something different with cutting and pasting, but in such a way that it stays whole. So it has become a fun month spraed.