DIY Paper snowman
In the far north it has already fallen; snow. Here in the west of the country it is mainly wet and temperatures do not even come close to freezing. The little man can't wait for us to play in the snow and on the ice. To bring the winter weather into the house, we made a snowman out of paper.
Do you also want such a cozy snowman in your home? Then read on to see how we made it.
Paper snowman
What do you need?
- Wallpaper glue
- 2 balloons (not pictured)
- adhesive tape
- newspapers
- white paper or white paint
- black marker
- glue
- colored paper (blue and orange)
- buttons
- pair of scissors
- sticky eyes
How do you proceed?
I made the snowman from paper and wallpaper glue. In the fall I already made a pumpkin and I still had prepared wallpaper glue from it. So I could use this again just fine.
First you blow up two balloons. One for the body and a smaller one for the head. I glued these together with a little tape. Then I glued several layers of torn newspapers to the balloons with wallpaper glue.
This the little man really liked to do. Messing around with blobs of glue. After three minutes the glue was everywhere but mister had fun with it. Make sure you stick a nice layer of newspaper everywhere so that the snowman is nice and sturdy.
Then let this layer dry well. Now your shape is ready. You can now choose to paint it white or cover it with white paper.
We chose the latter because it covers better than white paint. Then let the snowman dry well again.
The details
Now it's time to turn it into a real snowman. I glued two sticky eyes on it and three black buttons on its belly. Next I cut a scarf from a long strip of blue felt. You can also do this with paper or fabric. I made the nose from an orange paper.
I did this by cutting out a circle, I cut it in half and turned it into a point. With a little glue I stuck it on the snowman and with a black marker I drew the mouth underneath.
Paper hat
Finally, I made the hat. I used two blue paper circles. I cut half a centimeter along the entire edge of one of the circles. This creates small corners that you then have to fold over.
I glued this on a strip of blue paper. This creates a tube with a lid. On the other side of the tube I glued the other circle and the hat was ready. With a little glue I stuck the hat on the snowman and now the snowman hangs on the lamp in the kitchen.
Now we have to wait for real snow so that we can also make a snowman in the garden.
Do you already have real snow?? Or are you really not waiting for it?
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