What made me happy 26
Christmas is over again. Only New Year's Eve and then peace will return to the Bblogt household. The theme of the past week was of course Christmas but also the animals and we secretly had a lot of screen time!
Keep the screen mafia coming but we had a lot of fun with something we got out of the attic. Wonder what made me happy this week? Read on quickly.
What made me happy
Monday my sister came to stay. I went to pick her up with the kids and there the little man was playing a game on my brother's gamecube. He thought it was totally cool.
My little brother and the toddler looked like two peas in a pod.
’In the afternoon I climbed on my horse again and because my sister was there we laid down a few bars. My horse is quite a hero in socks but did this very well. So I was a proud horse mother.
’In the evening I went with my sister and two friends to the Ziggodome again. We got to enjoy an evening of Dotan.
I had some things to take care of for Christmas and then I came across these popsicle sticks in the store! Me happy because I have been looking for these for a long time. The sticks are too cute to craft with.
Soon we will get to work.
And now let the screen mafia stand up! 😉 I got the Nintendo Wii out of the attic and a small TV. Both had been in the attic for three years but were still working. Little man and I had a great time playing Mario Kart.
Golf on the Wii was also popular.
Meanwhile, baby was in the playpen and the bouncer was stolen by my cats. This time Olivier got the throne. How I love those animals.
Christmas Day we went outside first. The little man on the tractor, the dogs behind and daddy got to push. Getting some fresh air.
’In the afternoon the party started with presents under the tree and good food. The little man got the Zoomer Dino. Too cool a toy so I was happy when he went to bed.
Hooray, now I could play with the dino!
Boxing Day we went to Brabant for the day. Celebrating Christmas with my parents. My mom had prepared a delicious Christmas dinner so we went home with overflowing bellies.
How was your Christmas? Have you also gained 5 kilos?
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