You don’t have to justify the choices you make
Accounting for the choices you make. Occasionally noticing others engaging with me, asking questions or making comments I didn’t see coming. Why should I have to justify the choices I make to others?
going back to work
As the boys get older, I get asked more and more often when I will go back to work. This scares me, isn’t this just up to me to make my own choices. It feels a bit like I’m being forced to work outside the home again. Probably the people asking this mean well.
And it only feels that way to me, but on the other hand, just accept the choices one makes in life.
Taking a sabbatical
I used to work as a nurse, but quit when the boys were three and one year old. Both boys were born with chronic bowel disease and the first few years were incredibly tough. The husband and I took a sabbatical, during which we traveled for seven months.
During this trip we found out that rest and regularity for the children and their illness was very important and I decided to become a stay-at-home mom.
Discussing choices together
When we decided this, we discussed our choices well together. We looked at finances, but also at my ambitions. And here it came out that this choice suited us both very well.
Now still we are both very satisfied with how things are going in our family. Not everyone can understand this. I have studied so long, worked so long, don’t I miss that.
Well no, not for a moment. I don’t miss working in care, I don’t miss not having colleagues. I am very happy the way things are with me and my family now.
Blogging is what I do
And it’s not that I do nothing at home. Since the boys are in school I’ve started blogging more and more and this is what I do during the day. I’ve totally found my joy in this and now that the boys are getting older I can also go to PR events or other things I’m invited to more often.
Making choices and respecting everyone
Where I would not judge others for their choice, others should not judge me either. They can always ask why I made these choices, but judging someone else, don’t do it. We made this choice at the time and are still happy with it every day. Sometimes choices will not turn out right, let people find out for themselves.
Leave everyone alone.